
The facilities at HFML-FELIX allow us to generate the highest possible static magnetic fields and intense infrared and Terahertz radiation with an unprecedented tuning range. Although our magnets and lasers are already exceptional in their own right, we established the combination of both providing unique opportunities. Scientists from all over the world come to HFML-FELIX to do research, use our equipment and advanced experimental end-stations.

High-field magnets

We use high-field magnets to investigate the properties of (new) materials. With these magnets, we can see into the matter without breaking anything. Many scientific insights once began with magnet research and the stronger the magnet, the more surprising the results. HFML-FELIX therefore has five magnets with a field strength of 30 to 38 Tesla and we are currently developing a hybrid magnet aiming at a maximum field of 45 Tesla.

Free-electron lasers

We house a suite of four free-electron lasers that produce (far) infrared light with an unprecedented tuning range and very high intensity. The infrared radiation of the lasers interacts with molecules and materials, which can reveal detailed information about their 3D structure, functional properties, and electronic properties. Cutting-edge research like this contributes significantly to the understanding of new functional materials, (bio)molecules and processes relevant to catalysis and astrochemistry.

HFML-FELIX’s unique combination

The high-field magnets and the free-electron lasers at HFML-FELIX facilitate cutting-edge research. The thing, however, that truly sets HFML-FELIX apart on a worldwide scale is the unique connection between both of our facilities and their equipment. This allows researchers to combine the highest magnetic fields with the most intense (far) infrared laser light and enter uncharted territories of science.

Using our facilities

Twice a year, researchers can apply for either magnet time, FEL beam time or a combination thereof. If you are granted access, you can use the installation and all available auxiliary equipment. Research is conducted free of charge and guest researchers can receive support from our scientific and technical staff. Our secretariat can help with local arrangements (accommodation, visa, travel, etc.). In exchange, all obtained results will be made available to the public in the open-access scientific literature and presented at scientific conferences and meetings.

The deadlines for submitting a proposal are 15 May and 15 November.

Use our facilities

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